Golfo de Fonseca

Between El Salvador, Honduras, and Nicaragua, the Golfo de Fosenca is formed by the Pacific Ocean. The main attraction is the astonishing and breathtaking view that allows you to appreciate islands seen in the Pacific Ocean. The heart of the site houses an imposing volcanic archipelago and the islands Meanguera, Meanguerita, Conchaguita, Punta Zacate or Zacatillo, Martín Pérez, Zacate Grande, El Tigre, Exposición, Naked Rocks, Los Farallones, among others.

The Gulf can be visited by boat, a service offered by locals where you can depart from its traditional Muelle de La Unión or Muelle Los Coquitos.

At this site, you can learn about history like Conchaguita Island. Here you can see the door of the church of Santa Ana de Teca, built in the 16th century by the friars under the order of San Francisco.

If fishing is your thing, on the island Zacatillo you can have a unique experience. Locals dedicate themselves to this activity as their primary source of work and income.